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Shelly Ahuja February 9, 2021 No Comments

PTE Speaking: Describe Image Score

PTE Speaking: Describe Image Score

PTE Describe image is purely academic oriented as it will test your ability to interpret and present the information given in the image. As any other PTE, time is of greater significance that the image section will test your spontaneity. Knowing the right strategies, and tip is very important so that one can explain the images without difficulties. In this section of blog, we will discuss, what describe image is all about, how much score it contributes to your overall speaking and what right strategies we should follow to score well in describe image. Describe image is the third task in PTE exam, this task will test your ability to interpret and explain the key points of the image. As any other task in PTE, timing is very crucial because you will get just 25 seconds to infer the information from the image and speak about the related information in 40 seconds time. To be successful in image section, one must be familiar with structure of how to describe it effectively. Like other tasks in PTE speaking, you will be marked for your fluency, content and pronunciation. Hence, you need to find a right balance between delivering the content without losing your scores in pronunciation and fluency, however, having a right tool and structure to describe this will help you to overcome the problems.

Types of images

In exam, you can expect different types of images that include graphical images, tables, flowchart, lifecycle and subjective images. The most common graphical images are as follows

  • Pie chart
  • Line graph
  • Bar graph
  • Flow chart
  • Process chart
  • Life cycle diagrams
  • Venn diagrams
  • Subjective Diagrams

Normally, you will get 5 to 6 questions in the exam. Discussing the structure, the first step is giving a proper introductory sentence about what it represents(heading). If it is graphs, then you could include axis and the parameters that needs explanation. Secondly, explain about the main trends such as declining, fluctuating, increasing and steady. There are common terms, you could practice explaining those trends and talk about the maximum values and minimum values.  To put it a simple way, just explain the information that could pick easily and present. Keep it in your mind that you have only 40 seconds, so do not try to give a detailed information. The idea is to present just the key information without losing the marks in pronunciation and fluency as all these three elements have equal weightage. Finally, use some well-structured conclusive lines to conclude the image. For instance, to conclude, this image provides a best information about…

How to practice: If you are very spontaneous in your presentation, then you could use your own language just by mastering the structure. Otherwise, it is recommended to use templates that helps to describe any kind of images in structured manner without much difficulties. Further, customize the template according to your style of speaking, so would help to achieve better fluency and pronunciation. Also, practice different type of images so you could find a common ground in terms of explaining it. For example, in line graphs and bar graphs you could easily explain the trends, highest and lowest numbers or data. Similarly, in process charts and flow charts, it would be easy to explain the number of steps. By doing so, you can explain any type of images without hesitation and pauses. Finally, use timers while practice that you will get used to present the image properly within the 40 seconds time.

For any help, contact Wings education and we will be happy to assist you to achieve your PTE goals.

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