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PTE Multiple choice, choose single answer sample and tips – Listening section

Multiple choice answer and single answer are two sections that come under pte listening module. This is to test your ability in listening and comprehending the given audio and choosing the right answer among the given options. If you compare the marking scheme with the other sections, these are the least among them all.

In Multiple choice answers there can be more than one answer to select from the options, but keep in mind these have negative marking if you choose the wrong answer. For example, if one option is right and the second option is wrong the candidate will get 0 for that question. Whereas for single answer if the answer is correct, you get 1 if not there is no negative marking. You get 5 seconds before the audio starts playing, within that time make sure you read and extract keywords from the options and evaluate them while listening to the audio and select the right answer or answers. The above mentioned also applies for single answer questions.

Moving on, PTE MCQ listening is simple for those who can understand and comprehend the spoken text and the context involved in it, that candidate can surely select the right answers. Now when it come to those who do not use English on a daily basis, a suggestion would be listening to English related audios or short YouTube videos about anything you like. Here are tips we tell our students at Wings Education while attempting these questions.

You can identify whether the given question is Multiple answers or single answer from the checkboxes. If the checkbox is square then the question is Multiple answers MCQ, if it is circle then it is single answer MCQ.

Read the options given before the audio. This will help you once the audio starts playing, extract the keywords from the audio and select the right option.

Understand the audio and the topic related to the audio. Keep in mind you identify the correct answer.

Carefully listen to the details of information’s like specific names, places, dates, whatever is relevant to the question. These are crucial parts of the audio.

Another important point is keeping your eyes glued to the options while listening to the clip. Evaluate as you listen and validate the information.

A soon as the audio ends, check the options again and shortlist the answers you have in mind and make your final decision.

Furthermore, here are some tips to enhance your listening skills for PTE Multiple choice. Listening is a major part of any conversation. You do not listen properly or do not understand most of it, that disrupts the communication process, and the conversation is incomplete. Listen to audio clips, podcasts even better while watching a movie or YouTube videos that you like listen carefully to the words and try to comprehend the meaning. Another tricky way to enhance listening skills acquired from personal experience is listening to music. We all listen to music when we want to relax or while driving, we also sing along to the song. Ever wondered how you learnt the lyrics without even looking at the lyrics online? That is because you keep playing it and keep listening to it and that song is grasped into your memory, resulting in enhanced listening skills. A good vocabulary plays an important role in listening skills, so does in all the modules.

Our students at Wings Education are constantly practicing and enhancing their listening skills with the above tips and tricks provided above. You too can follow the same and achieve your desired score. If you are struggling and require assistance don’t hesitate to join our institute, we are always here to help you for your listening PTE Multiple choice. For More about PTE Brisbane click here.

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