Writing an essay can be a laborious task at once because one can consider it to be more about ideas and other vocabulary tools we use to write an essay in other language ability tests. However, a good thing about PTE essay writing is that we need to know the basic strategy and the learned template with PTE Academic.
How does a template work? How to start the essay? When to type ideas? When to proofread? These questions are very frequently been asked by the aspirants. One must divide this task time i.e 20 minutes into four parts, starting with the initial part you must allot 2 minutes for understanding the question prompt. Once you have decided the essay type start typing a learned template of yours within a timeframe of 7 minutes as it saves time as well as a situation where a person can be short of time. After the template starts inserting the ideas in not more than 8 minutes.
Are you done with essay writing? No, not yet! As the most crucial aspect is still to be done which is proofreading for the spelling and grammar errors. Consume 3 minutes for doing it twice before submitting the response.
Moreover, a proper structure including a good introduction, body paragraphs with valid ideas, and a logical conclusion are required along with a range of complex sentences. Remember to showcase your knowledge about the synonyms to score high in vocabulary.
Overall, this task is all about grammar, knowledge about the topic and time management.