Essential Things You Must Remember on NAATI CCL Exam Day
Essential Things You Must Remember on NAATI CCL Exam Day
NAATI test has become a trend since the requirement for permanent immigration in Australia has become high. This test has been a relief for students because a little grip on both languages: English and LOTE made it easy to secure extra five points. As this test is only available onshore the dates and bookings have become a long process. So, for NAATI-CCL test one should book test long before appearing in it. Lets Talk about NAATI CCL Exam Day.
That’s not enough as we need to keep looking into the account daily for the availability of seats updated regularly depending on the number of students extending their dates.
Now, as you have practiced well and are prepared for the real test, must make sure that complete preparation for the exam day has been made by you. On the day of the NAATI test, a wave of nervousness and anxiety in the body can make you forget important things those are to be carried along.
The checklist is:
Confirmation email
Get the printout if possible, of the email sent as confirmation because it includes the address of the exam center, timings and your details. Before appearing make sure every detail of yours is correct.
Your passport
Carrying your identification document is crucial for every candidate because other than this they won’t let you sit the NAATI-test.
Notes for revision
As the waiting time before going into exam room can tend to be a long one, it is always advisable to carry your revising notes along. What it should include?
Your vocabulary list is important as this helps you in building your sentences. Few dialogues of every scenario as it acts as a warm-up exercise. Your favourite pens that you have been practicing with because notetaking requires speed which you have maintained with that pen just as an athlete uses his shoes to run the race.
Also, be extra careful of the ticket or the candidate number they must have given you before entering this room as it acts as your identity for them. They will call you by this number only in for the NAATI test.
Last but not the least try avoiding bringing expensive belongings because you may not get lockers to put your stuff into. If you are on some medications or have special needs keep your GP prescriptions with you. Do not forget to come along with some refreshment because the wait time can make you hungry.
Once in the test room
In the test room an examiner will be invigilating your test which means you are not marked by him. However, a recorder is placed in front of you that will record your answer prompts which will be sent to two different examiners (one for each dialogue) for marking.
You will be provided blank sheets for notetaking and some pens if required. So, always practice for notetaking on blank A4 sheets.
Remember to give a signal once you have finished your answer because the invigilator may not understand your language.