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Shelly Ahuja January 2, 2021 No Comments

3 Common Mistakes to Avoid in the NAATI CCL Test

3 Common Mistakes to Avoid in the NAATI CCL Test

This test of language interpretation includes English as one permanent component and Language other than English (LPOTE) as the other which will vary according to one’s mother language. This test will evaluate your ability to understand and clearly translate English into your choice of LOTE as well as LOTE into English alternatively. The translation of the languages is expected in academic manner and informal language phrases will not be marked. Should Check Common MIstakes of NAATI CCL Test.

However, there are many mistakes that anyone can do while doing the interpretation which can take away your scores. Let us understand them in detail to avoid them in your NAATI CCL test.

1. Grammar: any language has its foundation made of grammar, which clearly explains the meaning of the conversation including the tenses, adverbs, and many more aspects. Now while translating English segment into LOTE if students uses an incorrect form, there will be a big penalty for that. For example, “I will come tomorrow for the delivery”, if in LOTE, student uses present tense instead of future, the information conveyed will be completely incorrect. Also, words like adverbs, conjunctions if omitted from the answer can completely change the meaning of the segment. For instance, “can you take a seat now and tell me your problem”. If now and ‘and’ is missing sentence will have in-correct structure and meaning, therefore, avoid such mistakes and be extremely careful while taking notes.

2. Long pauses: As this whole depends on your delivery of speech, it is crucial to note that examiner will be marking you according to your delivery speed. Hereby, it is necessary to know that speaking too fast will not be considered as a perfect answer. Delivery of answer should be done at a very normal pace where examiner can easily understand each and every word spoken by you. In the meanwhile, some students tend to pause for longer time while gathering the vocabulary which is considered as a huge mistake by the evaluator. Therefore, continuity of the answer is to be maintained and one should avoid long pauses.

3. Omission of information: NAATI-CCL test is about conveying information from one language to another. In this process of translation, it is compulsory to maintain the consistency of information. If a student omits some part of the information, it will be considered as major missing and he will be penalised for that. For example, segment said, “Kindly bring your child’s red book tomorrow at 5pm for a long appointment”. However, in translation process, if you miss the time of appointment in your answer, it will be marked negatively. Similarly, if extra information is added which was not said by the speaker that is again taken as incorrect information.

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